Thursday, December 6, 2012

Working on a Secret Santa gift for the PrinceElfAngel club on dA! If I don't have enough time this might end up being my only Christmas art this year...
Pit as a snow angel <3

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Wow, I feel like I've got more art done today than the past few months combined...(which is probably true *_*)
Anyways, here's where I'm leaving my Shinigami-man for the night. Probably won't be able to finish it 'til next week, but it looks like it's progressing fairly well so...yay!
Only a week and a half 'til Halloween! You know what that means- awesome Halloween art!! (Well, hopefuly awesome anyways...) I'm trying something more original this year and more realistic because that's what I've been working on a lot lately and it's more fun to do than just cell-shading ^^;
*Inspired by the Halloween Junky Orhcestra "Halloween Party" music video x} (Thanks, Katticus)

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Dear Merlin is back! <3 I think I'm going to end up cropping off the majority of the left side because I honestly hate painting clothing/leather/cloth of any sort. But I'm completely done with his face and pretty much his scarf now! Yay :}

Thursday, October 11, 2012

This was something that I started at the beginning of summer for the Manga Project- Lunar Lux Lucis!! Trying to get the characters drawn out for the first time. Unfortunately I no longer know where the file is and don't currently have time to finish it even if I found it :/
However I am planning a Halloween special for this series! Fingers crossed!

Friday, September 28, 2012

See, I'm already coming back to my blog for the second day in a row!! 'Tis a record :D
This is just a little something special for anyone who checks out this link I'm putting on dA in a minute. The sketch of my FMA Day (October 3rd) art! This is my project for the weekend as well as toning the final For the Love of Death one-shot page!

Thursday, September 27, 2012

I've made so many attempts at starting an actual blog before, but have never kept at it for more than the time it took me to make the thing look nice. Hopefully I will stay with this a bit longer, but no promises! (I know, that's so reassuring). On this blog I hope to post sketches, W.I.P.'s (works-in-progress), and more that eventually may or may not end up on deviantART. 

So on here you will get to see all of the fun stuff I mention on dA but never get around to finishing...I dunno if that's a good or a bad thing ^^;
P.S. If anyone wants to help me make this blog look nice that would be wonderful :} 
